Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Where They throw Rolls at Those Dining

Lambert’s Cafe is known as “Home of the Throwed Rolls”. Though it is distinguished from other restaurants by its policy of providing large 32 oz.. drinks, a list of side items that are passed around to all customers, and free refills on nearly all entrees, it is most famous for throwing their homemade dinner rolls to the customers.

We speak with Jerry Johnson from Sikeston, Missouri about the roll-throwing tradition, and how Lamberts has pleased customers from its early days on Main Street in Sikeston until today – where Lamberts touts three locations (Ozark, Missouri and Foley, Alabama) and brings loyal customers from far away.


"The World's Biggest Cupcake"

You may have recently seen the picture on the internet – that of JodiLee Knops celebrating the setting of the Guinness record for the world’s largest cupcake at Mall of America in Minneapolis on Saturday July 18, 2009. It weighed in at nearly 151 pounds, including 15 pounds of fudge filling and 60 pounds of yellow icing. It was one foot tall and two feet wide.

We speak with JodiLee about just how and why she did it.

You can see that picture of JodiLee celebrating at:

BTW, it appears this record was short lived. We read on MSN.com that a new record was ceritifed by The Guinness folks just a month later – this one a 1,224-pound triple vanilla cupcake with pink frosting. You can read about it at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32438528/ns/us_news-weird_news/?GT1=43001

We, nonetheless, hop you’ll listen to and enjoy our interviews with the the title holder.


The Nebraska Town Where Glen Miller Honed His Skills

Andela Taylor joins us in this “Journey into Nebraska”. Andela is the economic developer in Cambridge, Nebraska - a south central Nebraska community that lies along Highways 6 and 34, the old DLD [Detroit-Lincoln-Denver] Highway.

Each year she and her mother, B-n-B owner Gloria Hilton, organize an event as they celebrate the big band music of Glenn Miller who played with the Tommy Watkins [he was a Cambridge native] Orchestra in the second floor ballroom downtown known as Thorndike Hall.

The ballroom is listed as one of Heritage Nebraska’s Fading Places and a move is afoot to restore the space. Watkins was credited with finding the young aspiring musician [Miller] in Denver and helping him hone his skills in a Nebraska community.

Miller later moved on to California and started his own band.


The Worlds’ Only Lifesize Chocolate Moose

Home-made chocoalte is a New England tradition in places like Route 1 in Scarborough, Maine.

Len Libby has been a regional fixture since the 1920’s. But since 1997, Len Libby has become a destination ofr something else as well.

There, at their retail store, one can have the experience of coming across
Lenny, the World’s Only Life-size Chocolate Moose, all 1700 pounds of him in chocolate.

We speak Maureen Hemond from Len Libby about Lenny and other Len Libby traditions.


Branch Rickey’s Effort To Save Baseball from Itself

July 27, 2009 marks 50 years since the founding of the Continental Baseball League.

If that does not mean much, it’s not suprising. In fact, the Continental League never played a game.

But the story behind the rise and demise of the Continental League remains a fascinating one these many years later.

We speak with author Michael Shaprio about his book, “Bottom of the Ninth – Branch Rickey, Casey Stengel and the Daring Scheme to Save Baseball From Itself”. It is a strong historical record that resonates today. A big-time “what if” can not be ignored.
